I take a slightly different view. After 3 years perhaps the Ukranians finally realised that the US doesn't care about them in the slightest. They are just a tool to achieve a goal that is failing.
The Russians & Ukranians naturally have collective interest in keeping the US as far away from Eastern Europe as posible.
The Ukraine government wanted the US smack in the middle of the conflict because they needed our taxpayer dollars to continue the shelling in Donbass. If that were not true they wouldn't have taken the money. I, for one, commend the Russians for protecting the people of the Donbass region and for coming to their aid.
This could all be the work of satanic forces greater than the Deep State. A mere distraction for Russia; Pres of Russia. It was a childish interview among intelligent grown men. The West doesn't like Russia, China (power)and are using the current administration to clean house. A new system is coming and its not in favor of the people. Its always death, destruction and oppression. When will it end?
Trump should listen to Patrick report about the war, not that lying grifter who wants more people to die.
Vance was out of line, blaming Russia for the war. But I guess that's "optics" because so few Americans know that Kiev had been murdering people of the Donbass for eight years prior to the SMO.
Fewer know that those Russian regions were forced into Ukraine at the breakup of the Soviet Union, with not even a nod to self-determination.
Nor do many know that the Ukraine was not a state before, in any modern times. It was truly cobbled together with a smaller region that might have been considered "Ukrainian", and parts of other nations, mostly Russia, but also Poland, and I have read a part of Hungary.
And many don't know the Banderites were nurtured by the West for decades, their mission after Nuland's coup was to destabilize Russia. So...began both cultural and physical "ethnic cleansing" of Russian citizens.
Zelensky behaved like an uncultured peasant and is deluded about his place in the world. He doesn't represent the every day Ukrainians who just want peace.Zelensky is a Zionist puppet for Israel who want to insert themselves in Eastern Europe
All in the Greater Israel, Zionist plan. Israel go up through Lebanon, - why Israel keeps poking Lebanon, - continuing north til return to Lviv and where the ancestors of the European Jews used to be til 1941 …..
Of those, I wonder what sub-percentages see through the Jewish mythology which has been imprinted on them. I'm not even talking about the touchier subjects of the satanic nature of the Talmud, Holocaust exaggeration, or even a general sense of blameless victimhood. See the book "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Shlomo Sand.
I think Trump is a globalist and his main reason for playing the part of the peacemaker is to get his sticky mitts on the rare earth minerals under Ukraine's prime grain growing land. The globalists want to tear that country up with deep vast mining operations run by international corporations for international crime syndicate coffers. The USA taxpayer won't get its $300 billion investment back - that is gone to the military complex for the regeneration of military hardware and novel weapons. They needed to waste their stockpiles to make room for the future electro-magnetic pulse and laser star wars ordnance.
Zelensky did not like the 'deal' that was on the table so he deliberately kicked off a disagreement by spouting his standard propaganda about the events of 2014 which you outlined in your analysis here Patrick.
Meanwhile Putin and Lavrov must be munching the popcorn along with the rest of the world wondering what is coming next in this ridiculous soap opera!
Macron and Starmer are champing at the bit (as good little globalist gofers) desperate to earn their good-boy treats from their bosses in the Club of Rome and above by putting boots on the ground. I doubt that they will dare to do that without US involvement.
Trump will maintain his position of peacemaker, buying time but the flow of US weapons will grind to a halt and Ukraine will have to surrender and remove Zelensky from power (if he does not scarper of his own accord).
That will leave the country wide open for Russia to speedily sweep across and claim everything all the way to Kiev - so the rare earth minerals will become Russian and Trump will have to develop a deal with Putin to buy in.... or not.
Overall I see the entire deck of cards in Putin's hand and I think he is the better card sharp, certainly the better diplomat and a master chess player who already knows that the globalist and Zionist eyes are firmly locked on the mining prizes. Putin may well be the only politician who sincerely cares about the Ukrainian people - they just don't know it yet. https://francesleader.substack.com/p/ukraine-is-a-33rd-degree-chess-game
I gave you a like over the Ukraine part but understand Putin is a globalist too. Edward Slavsquat and Rurik Skywalker have laid out significant evidence. Russia still participates in all the globohomo crap like sustainability, CBDC, WHO, vaccine mandates etc.
I know what those two say. I don’t follow them. If you want to survive in the political world it is necessary to appear to be in compliance with the UN. Exposing ‘the rule of law’ is something that Putin and Lavrov have been doing and that can only be useful on the world’s stage.
So primary sources that are Russian or speak Russian are to be dismissed?
How do you explain Sberbank and Herman Gref’s use of biometrics and “trialing” a digital Ruble? Is this just “playing along?” Central Asian muslims being imported into Moscow and largely granted carte blanche is just propaganda?
While that's an interesting doctrine involving the Templars and likely Mystery Babylon, how does that jive with the Black Nobility and the people that run the Jewish management system?
Your 'primary sources' are very biased or even controlled opposition in my opinion.
If you do not understand how the Templars relate to the Black Nobility I am wondering whether you understand the foundation of Roman Catholic Church at all.
So TASS, RT, and actual Russian government press releases are not to be believed? Rurik is an asshole and Riley has been AWOL lately but they bring source links. Where are yours? And sorry no your articles do not suffice. Bill Cooper brought receipts, where are yours? So much of what "everyone knows" is fake. I actually agree with you on elite families acting as factions running things but your dismissal of actual Russians is racist. So katyusha.org are just stooges or actual Russian nationalists? There is no brotherhood of Man, that's some Luciferian shit. Ethnos is what exists and we are deceived and lied to about this.
Racist? 🤣😂 you are a fanboy of those two charlatans, aren't you? Sim is a very good name for you, I imagine.
Please note that all my articles include references (receipts are bits of paper we get to prove we have purchased something). You have obviously bought the whole anti-Putin narrative wholesale. I have not. Let's agree to disagree.
In the event of a world war.. all contracts pivot on the outcomes and who wins.. so Big Don must have a lot of faith in keeping Putin on the right side of the border… maybe he build another wall?
When the war started in 2022, a lot of people already had the idea that Zelensky would have to be removed or deleted in the end. He is just a disposable asset and increasingly deranged and annoying. I think the end is near.
Zelinski trying to save face. He knows very soon he’s gonna to be out of power with no place to go. War with Russia is the only thing that keeps him in his uniform.
Gee, a shocking 180- degree difference from Netanyahu's "welcome to America" visit. All "spontaneous" I'm sure. Like being called into the office by the boss and his assistant to be told you're fired.
Totally planned. US want Z out of the way. They couldn't have made it more obvious that they want him gone. Some Russians worrying now that Z and brits will stage a red flag to keep the war going. Next move is Kiev's.
They should arrest Zelensky right there on the spot and try him for war crimes. And Trump as well for providing Ukraine with javelins to take out those tanks. What a shit show.
Do you thhink this is all planned to remove Zelensky?
I take a slightly different view. After 3 years perhaps the Ukranians finally realised that the US doesn't care about them in the slightest. They are just a tool to achieve a goal that is failing.
The Russians & Ukranians naturally have collective interest in keeping the US as far away from Eastern Europe as posible.
The Ukraine government wanted the US smack in the middle of the conflict because they needed our taxpayer dollars to continue the shelling in Donbass. If that were not true they wouldn't have taken the money. I, for one, commend the Russians for protecting the people of the Donbass region and for coming to their aid.
I think it was calculated to make Zelensky lose his shit, and to keep the deep state off balance.
This could all be the work of satanic forces greater than the Deep State. A mere distraction for Russia; Pres of Russia. It was a childish interview among intelligent grown men. The West doesn't like Russia, China (power)and are using the current administration to clean house. A new system is coming and its not in favor of the people. Its always death, destruction and oppression. When will it end?
Trump should listen to Patrick report about the war, not that lying grifter who wants more people to die.
Vance was out of line, blaming Russia for the war. But I guess that's "optics" because so few Americans know that Kiev had been murdering people of the Donbass for eight years prior to the SMO.
Fewer know that those Russian regions were forced into Ukraine at the breakup of the Soviet Union, with not even a nod to self-determination.
Nor do many know that the Ukraine was not a state before, in any modern times. It was truly cobbled together with a smaller region that might have been considered "Ukrainian", and parts of other nations, mostly Russia, but also Poland, and I have read a part of Hungary.
And many don't know the Banderites were nurtured by the West for decades, their mission after Nuland's coup was to destabilize Russia. So...began both cultural and physical "ethnic cleansing" of Russian citizens.
Good points!
More Americans know about the shelling in the Donbass than you know.
Zelensky behaved like an uncultured peasant and is deluded about his place in the world. He doesn't represent the every day Ukrainians who just want peace.Zelensky is a Zionist puppet for Israel who want to insert themselves in Eastern Europe
^^ THIS ^^ is more accurate than any other comment I have seen on Ukraine!
All in the Greater Israel, Zionist plan. Israel go up through Lebanon, - why Israel keeps poking Lebanon, - continuing north til return to Lviv and where the ancestors of the European Jews used to be til 1941 …..
I think that Israeli expansionism is a trap to keep the Jews from wandering .... read this:
60 % of the world's Jews live in Eastern Europe mostly Ashkenazi. They have been there before Jesus.
That statement is not accurate. In 1933, about 60% of the world's Jewish population lived in Europe, with the majority residing in Eastern Europe.
However, the current distribution is different. Less than 10% of Jews around the world live in Europe today.
The largest Jewish populations now are in the United States and Israel.
Of those, I wonder what sub-percentages see through the Jewish mythology which has been imprinted on them. I'm not even talking about the touchier subjects of the satanic nature of the Talmud, Holocaust exaggeration, or even a general sense of blameless victimhood. See the book "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Shlomo Sand.
I have that book, Mitch!
Thanks to the Balfour Declaration
The terms of which have been violated ever since.
Lots of orthodox Jews in London
Well, yes and no. The Ashkenazi Jews are apparently synthetic Jews dating back to the Khazarian empire (which is still well after Jesus). See "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler. Also this: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233929942_The_Missing_Link_of_Jewish_European_Ancestry_Contrasting_the_Rhineland_and_the_Khazarian_Hypotheses
Is that where the word Nazi comes from?
I partly agree with you, Sarah!
This is just another one of the distractions of genocide by the tool zion Don!
Bull Shit!
Israel has a right to protect themselves for the terrorist known as Hezbollah and Hamas.
I think Trump is a globalist and his main reason for playing the part of the peacemaker is to get his sticky mitts on the rare earth minerals under Ukraine's prime grain growing land. The globalists want to tear that country up with deep vast mining operations run by international corporations for international crime syndicate coffers. The USA taxpayer won't get its $300 billion investment back - that is gone to the military complex for the regeneration of military hardware and novel weapons. They needed to waste their stockpiles to make room for the future electro-magnetic pulse and laser star wars ordnance.
Zelensky did not like the 'deal' that was on the table so he deliberately kicked off a disagreement by spouting his standard propaganda about the events of 2014 which you outlined in your analysis here Patrick.
Meanwhile Putin and Lavrov must be munching the popcorn along with the rest of the world wondering what is coming next in this ridiculous soap opera!
Macron and Starmer are champing at the bit (as good little globalist gofers) desperate to earn their good-boy treats from their bosses in the Club of Rome and above by putting boots on the ground. I doubt that they will dare to do that without US involvement.
Trump will maintain his position of peacemaker, buying time but the flow of US weapons will grind to a halt and Ukraine will have to surrender and remove Zelensky from power (if he does not scarper of his own accord).
That will leave the country wide open for Russia to speedily sweep across and claim everything all the way to Kiev - so the rare earth minerals will become Russian and Trump will have to develop a deal with Putin to buy in.... or not.
Overall I see the entire deck of cards in Putin's hand and I think he is the better card sharp, certainly the better diplomat and a master chess player who already knows that the globalist and Zionist eyes are firmly locked on the mining prizes. Putin may well be the only politician who sincerely cares about the Ukrainian people - they just don't know it yet. https://francesleader.substack.com/p/ukraine-is-a-33rd-degree-chess-game
I gave you a like over the Ukraine part but understand Putin is a globalist too. Edward Slavsquat and Rurik Skywalker have laid out significant evidence. Russia still participates in all the globohomo crap like sustainability, CBDC, WHO, vaccine mandates etc.
I know what those two say. I don’t follow them. If you want to survive in the political world it is necessary to appear to be in compliance with the UN. Exposing ‘the rule of law’ is something that Putin and Lavrov have been doing and that can only be useful on the world’s stage.
So primary sources that are Russian or speak Russian are to be dismissed?
How do you explain Sberbank and Herman Gref’s use of biometrics and “trialing” a digital Ruble? Is this just “playing along?” Central Asian muslims being imported into Moscow and largely granted carte blanche is just propaganda?
While that's an interesting doctrine involving the Templars and likely Mystery Babylon, how does that jive with the Black Nobility and the people that run the Jewish management system?
Your 'primary sources' are very biased or even controlled opposition in my opinion.
If you do not understand how the Templars relate to the Black Nobility I am wondering whether you understand the foundation of Roman Catholic Church at all.
So TASS, RT, and actual Russian government press releases are not to be believed? Rurik is an asshole and Riley has been AWOL lately but they bring source links. Where are yours? And sorry no your articles do not suffice. Bill Cooper brought receipts, where are yours? So much of what "everyone knows" is fake. I actually agree with you on elite families acting as factions running things but your dismissal of actual Russians is racist. So katyusha.org are just stooges or actual Russian nationalists? There is no brotherhood of Man, that's some Luciferian shit. Ethnos is what exists and we are deceived and lied to about this.
Racist? 🤣😂 you are a fanboy of those two charlatans, aren't you? Sim is a very good name for you, I imagine.
Please note that all my articles include references (receipts are bits of paper we get to prove we have purchased something). You have obviously bought the whole anti-Putin narrative wholesale. I have not. Let's agree to disagree.
Starmer has already struck a 100-year deal with Zelensky over Ukraine.
As Zion Don begins negotiations with Putin, it will be interesting to see how relations between ‘allies’ the UK and the US will turn out!
If Putin “takes “ the Ukraine.. then any contracts to own mineral rights goes too..
anyone expecting things to work in their favour forget one thing.. when Putin Gaines ground, it’s non returnable right down to the magma.
Could it be that is why zion Don called Zelensky a dictator?
Would that justify tearing up that contract?
In the event of a world war.. all contracts pivot on the outcomes and who wins.. so Big Don must have a lot of faith in keeping Putin on the right side of the border… maybe he build another wall?
No one cares what you think!
“Dig, dig, dig…”
When the war started in 2022, a lot of people already had the idea that Zelensky would have to be removed or deleted in the end. He is just a disposable asset and increasingly deranged and annoying. I think the end is near.
Thanks Patrick for your additional, also clarifying info.
Zelinski trying to save face. He knows very soon he’s gonna to be out of power with no place to go. War with Russia is the only thing that keeps him in his uniform.
kudos to Trump for kicking his butt out the door!
No face was saved here. He is a laughing stock. The world knows what a stage production that “war” is.
He's a jackass
Drumpfs called time. Its the et tu Brutae moment. The off-ramp/trap is sprung. Exit - deffo.
Thank you Patrick Lancaster , Luiza-Maria Andersen from Denmark i will be awake all night keeping on eye
I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen. Trump knows the truth. Now the shìts going to hit the fan.
Very interesting. Trump could win the Nobel peace prize if he leashes up his Israeli mad dog and gets the Ukraine deal done.
Gee, a shocking 180- degree difference from Netanyahu's "welcome to America" visit. All "spontaneous" I'm sure. Like being called into the office by the boss and his assistant to be told you're fired.
So did Zelenskyy travel all the way to the US and not sign the minerals agreement? 🤣
Apparently so!
He already signed it to UK.
Totally planned. US want Z out of the way. They couldn't have made it more obvious that they want him gone. Some Russians worrying now that Z and brits will stage a red flag to keep the war going. Next move is Kiev's.
They should arrest Zelensky right there on the spot and try him for war crimes. And Trump as well for providing Ukraine with javelins to take out those tanks. What a shit show.
He even lost Porky Pig!!(Graham)…I certainly didn’t expect it.
Of course Murphy is already on Elensky’s side.