Strange Venezuela is reportedly doing so well, because my city is absolutely flooded w legions of illegal Venezuelan immigrants happy to crowd our major intersections in hopes someone will tip them for washing their windshields. When Venezuela had their election earlier this year, a huge parade of anti-Maduro Venezuelans drove in a giant parade thru the city, and had a MASSIVE impromptu party in a mall parking lot. They were EXTACTIC thinking Maduro had lost.

So to recap: masses of Venezuelans have flex the county, and they're not at all pleased w Maduro's government.

*** I saw what AntiFa has been doing throughout the United States for years now. I hear "AntiFa", I think "trash".

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Many people from the Caribbean South and central America migrate North seeking a better life. The irony is many leave behind very good lives to chase the Northern dream. I guess the fact that the entire hemisphere being kept under economic sabotage to facilitate brain will result in many people wanting to escape to the perpetrator of financial sabotage. It's hardly mentioned that it was sanctions that destroyed the Venuzuelan economy, even so like all the lower North countries there are many people who have little interest in going upper North.

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The great irony of contemporary Marxism. "Our economies fail because the capitalists refuse to trade with us". That requires a deep refusal to recognize harsh reality slapping one directly in the face. Refusing to trade w goofy commies who nationalize their industries isn't "sabotage". We don't owe them access to our markets. Nor do our allies.

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Where exactly did you see any mention of trade?

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While it is interesting to view every day Venezuelan life, I believe it is much more important to discuss the large number of migrants leaving Venezuela and the reasons behind this. Even more important would be a discussion on why so many of them seek to enter the US, the country most responsible for sanctions. Personally I view this as similar to an abused spouse remaining with her abuser simply for economic reasons.

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You write well.

Prior to the U.S. appointments these concerns were addressed directly by me in posters. Not so much now as the focus, hmm, kinda, this is better: Hoffman Lens' from *They Live* movie seemingly are bifocals. Through the top looking out still, as before, at a "1984" world however now the lower lens (at least for me 8^ ) is reading "Brave New World" which has our history ending in 2058, even erased.

Personally switching from the "Personal Sovereignty/Freeman on the land" mindset to "Personal Aristocracy/Chivalry" taking command of the legions of Vaxxxened Churchians needing a leader unaffiliated with the W.C.C./Oikucredit cbdc of Quanta/Planck tokens.

If this is nonsense to you, ignore por favor.

_Cherish is the new love, be well._

*May God nod to ward thee & thine!*

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Antifa are no good, they have turned out to be Soros puppets collaborating with big pharma's push for mandatory vaccinations. As we know today, vaccines (covid and others) are quite useless and dangerous, they have hurt and killed millions. It is really disappointing how Venezuela mistreated its people with draconian covid measures in perfect lockstep with all the Western regimes, with outdoor masking and so on - even though masks were known to be useless against viruses already in january of 2020.

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Necessary to give a different point of view of a country that is denounced by the Hispanic south

managed by the usual owners we all know that control the western public control one way or

another, even people that are very intelligent they still think that Comunism erupted in Russia

when the reality began, as Zionism, and Nazism, began in Great Britain https://neveragainisnowglobal.substack.com/p/the-tavistock-hitler-connection



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Besides the economic sanctions, there's about 2bn in Gold reserves seized by the Bank of England. Well...

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