Let me know what you think is going to happen next

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Why do I smell cia and the united States of lies and deception

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Seems like the new party needs to physically remove the Revolutionary Traitors. Punish the rat bastard CIA PAID WANNA BE REVOLUTIONARIES.

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Cia mosad operation They want second Majdan Ukraine fasists revolution civil war and World War 3

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Yep this backing of the existing president is CIA. They want NATO/EU to control. The new US president is going to rip the CIA a new one.

Please keep us updated.

Good work. !

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The young people have been deceived into believing that EU membership is going to bring instant wealth and prosperity and high salaried jobs, luxury cars and all of the things middle class western Europeans used to have before they destroyed their economies by sanctioning Russia. Reality for smaller European economies is vastly different.

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Since the death of the Queen of Hell, the Feud levels are quite elevated.

Reading up on the black bloods & saw a bit about the new queen has to decapitate the queen going out. I wonder...is Elizabeth's corpse headless?

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IMPORTANT: Klitschko family lawyer Sukhanov (https://t.me/zimovskyAL/34736) was arrested while accepting a million dollar bribe, which he accepted for resolving issues related to the allocation of an elite land plot in the Kiev city council.

The money is vacuum-packed, $100,000 in each pack. It is clear that it is straight from American aid, unopened.

War Reports - 2024-12-28 - Main Report, by



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