What do you think?

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Seems fine

Your stack came through

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Great to see you both enjoying a bit of R&R and a chinwag! You have both been fantastically professional as journalists, even though neither of you started out that way. Your friendship is a fine thing to see in this totally competitive world. I am so glad you both have Substack accounts!

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Dear Patrick I follow hi* siñce he read the ñews as IEarGrey fro* St. Petersburg ecstraordiñary

rapport with people he co*ple*eñts you perfectly

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It's good to see Mike Jones in person. I fallow his work.

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It’s not about ‘balance sheets’ or anything other than the one thing that Rubio mentioned SIXTY FIVE TIMES in an hour long speech : CHINA CHINA CHINA! Putin and Lavrov aren’t stupid, they’re very aware that the main reason the Trump administration want to cease the proxy war in Ukraine is because they’re desperate to ‘pivot’ to the Pacific region and their new hawkish obsession with “containing China”. They naively think they can do a “Reverse Nixon” - instead of prying China away from the USSR as happened with Nixon’s ‘detente’ with China - and foolishly think they can drive a wedge between them by this time courting Putin’s Russia. Putin has even spoken about it and is not falling for the US geopolitical games, stressing the strength of Russia-China co-operation and friendship stretching back centuries. The US hawks are obsessed with preventing China from becoming the prime Country in what they see as US “Spheres of Influence” and want the entire Pacific regions to be included in that. They are, in my opinion “pissing in the wind” in a hopeless attempt at preventing the future from becoming the present.

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Agreed! It drives me crazy when politicians spout endless fear porn about China. They can't stand the financial competition in trade which actually should cause western countries to focus on their own technological development rather than always seeking to foment hatred.

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Even though I live in Australia, not Europe, it is amazing how Australia follows the Europeans like a sheep and leads its people like them too without any questions. The media here does the dirty work for the government of both persuasions and anything disagreed is seen as dissension. Today the ABC spent 15 mins of its news hour focusing on Ukraine, hand picked people and "experts" to tell its audience the one sided narrative. Here the word Russia or Russian is akin to a bubonic plague germ. My only source of real life events is through people like you. I love the land of Australia but the people and culture is almost driving me out...everything I value as a person seems to be in countries like Slovakia, Hungary and Russia! Thank you folks for being objective and breaking the msm mould which is nothing but profiteering.

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I wonder about the intelligence of anyone who perceives the credibility of Starmer & Lammy as anything other than mentally deranged imbeciles!

I had not realised that President Trump had decided to drink the same beverage!

Reading his latest remark re ICC it would appear he is nothing more than a lackey of the state of Israel?

b/s baffles brains an amazing story of US & UK war criminals supported by totally dishonest Western Media

i.e. How Israel improved upon the Goebbels doctrine

Starmer permanently ties UK nuclear arsenal to Washington (declassifieduk.org)

Author is an 85 year old UK working class Socialist who discovered the UK judicial myth of innocent until proven guilty!

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Stay safe Patrick & Mike. I have followed you brave souls since 2022.

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I thiñk that Tru*p thiñks he will *obe Putiñ fro* his co*pro*ises he is faciñg a steel *iñded braiñ

that has beeñ plaññiñg the the 8 year iñterñatioñal trials for a loñg ti*e ebeñ if you two doñ't

kñow about it your work is part of it

That is the idea that *aria Sakharoba's declaratioñs with *artyañob's coñfir*atioñ

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