Zelensky is a Western puppet? Pretty obvious since 2014, when the whole war/money laundering scheme got its impetus. Trump got impeached because he tried to look into it.
I think Trump needs to be advised that doing deals with a ill legitimate president zelenski contradicts US foreign policies for conducting diplomacy in a lawful sense, it makes one wander what is the Russians prospective on the whole matter is, the US seems to be quick off the bat to lead the peace plan on Ukraine as the war still continues to rage, I think we all need to take into account what the Russian demands are to settled peace plan.
Reportedly, Blackrock already has major stakes in Ukraine for a year already. As to USA corporations pouring $ into mining operations, it's unlikely. The set-up will take years & the raw minerals will require refining onsite or back in USA. Factories will be needed to produce useable products. Already China is doing this efficiently elsewhere & offering low-cost products.
One good guy (Biden) has helped the other good (Zelensky) guy to lose a war that was not able to be won and another good guy (Trump) (helped the other not too good guy (Zelensky) to pay for his three years of self destruction and debt.
The tactics are recognized clearly. “Full Spectrum Dominance” by F. William Engdahl which I just read explains it. While written in 2009 it speaks to the current realities that are occurring. Either read the book or look up “Full Spectrum Dominance”. You will understand it much better.
Trump shows his globalist greed but somehow his fans think he is playing 33 degree chess. Putin may have something to say about this.
Zelensky is a Western puppet? Pretty obvious since 2014, when the whole war/money laundering scheme got its impetus. Trump got impeached because he tried to look into it.
I think Trump needs to be advised that doing deals with a ill legitimate president zelenski contradicts US foreign policies for conducting diplomacy in a lawful sense, it makes one wander what is the Russians prospective on the whole matter is, the US seems to be quick off the bat to lead the peace plan on Ukraine as the war still continues to rage, I think we all need to take into account what the Russian demands are to settled peace plan.
Reportedly, Blackrock already has major stakes in Ukraine for a year already. As to USA corporations pouring $ into mining operations, it's unlikely. The set-up will take years & the raw minerals will require refining onsite or back in USA. Factories will be needed to produce useable products. Already China is doing this efficiently elsewhere & offering low-cost products.
Zelensky is signing with President Trump
Not former president trump :)
One good guy (Biden) has helped the other good (Zelensky) guy to lose a war that was not able to be won and another good guy (Trump) (helped the other not too good guy (Zelensky) to pay for his three years of self destruction and debt.
Well it seems that the USA are taking over Western Ukraine.
Wasn’t that the reason that NATO AND EUROPEAN COUNTRIES entered into the conflict. To keep RUSSIA FROM TAKING OVER ALL OF UKRAINE.
I was reason Russia moved in to Ukraine, the advancement of western forces closer to its borders.
The tactics are recognized clearly. “Full Spectrum Dominance” by F. William Engdahl which I just read explains it. While written in 2009 it speaks to the current realities that are occurring. Either read the book or look up “Full Spectrum Dominance”. You will understand it much better.
And well written article. 👏👏👏
US is the most corrupt and greedy country in the world.
One word- Capitalism!
Haha, and it’s called- Dictatorship Democracy!
Seems like Americans are in a trap.
Heredated this syste* of the Perfid Albiòñ añd they still are pulliñg the thread fro* the CITY
Look after dear Patrick & your beautiful wife.
This is the first ti*e that appareñtly that US are tryiñg yo cut the kñott It will be seeñ
Your Patagoñiañ-Spañish follower