Ukraine is not invited to the negotiations It's between Trump and Putin

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Patrick, with respect — Zelensky is nobody and represents nobody. His presidential term ended months ago. He has no legal authority over the government or the armed forces of the Ukraine. Russia will not and cannot negotiate anything with him. He is just the chief bribe collector. As soon as the Ukrainian generals figure out that nobody takes him seriously, he will be toast.

Ruben Ott, “suka blyat'!" is a common expression of frustration or anger, sort of like "for f***'s sake!". Its literal meaning is "bitch whore".

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He thinks he's gotta sound tough and in charge to those pulling his strings. But now he's probably out/dead anyway. Desperate man.

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Patrick, in your Substacks you keep referring to Trump and Vance as "former U.S. President Donald Trump and Senator J.D. Vance"

Their correct titles are President Trump and Vice President Vance. You have to get this very basic fact correct or it calls into question the accuracy of your whole article.

The American people are done with these endless wars. We are sick of the corruption, fraud, money laundering, arms deals and now we have Trump in office, who is dismantling the corruption and fraud from within. Our country has been held captive by Globalists and many citizens are too busy pondering their own belly buttons, instead of looking at whats going on around them. Id like Trump to bring all of our assets home and not soend another dime. I pray for the Russian and Ukrainian people caught in the middle.

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Mistake has been fixed. As you see in the video I refered to them correctly.

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Wonderful. So great to receive a quick reply. Blessings!

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Finally finally finally let them defend themselves and I hope we don't give them anything else I have hated Bidens bs left and right and finally truth!!! And i stand by president and putting is amazing man and zelynski is a monkey they don't want peace he wants to keep the war going!! He knows he's done and he wants war so he can continue his dictatorship!!!

I stand with u.s.a. and russia!!!!

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Z-Bro offered Himself as Sex-Toy-Plus with his:

"fuck you bitch (Ru: suka, blyat)" ..

Vance and Trump weren't interested..

..but "Mango" Macron and "Kiki" Starmer are hooked on sex/drugs/war and Z-Bro is their chosen pimp to overcome boredom

Organ Harvest, Bio-Labs, White Slavery all profitable sidelines .. but mainly it's the fun of it all

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We basically know where Ukraine stands overall ("Nazi" types and generally) on the Eastern Russian issue; they basically look at Russians in the east like Israel looks at Palestinians. The question I ask is, "Has Trump et al said ANYTHING specific to date about the official, permanent status of the Donbass and Crimea?" He may have. I don't know.

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That's an excellent question. Both those leftover children of Nietzsche are the same towards their enemies and it would be great to see Trump object to at least one of these "new man" ubermensch ethnofascisms.

/* if not familiar with the connection with the philosophy and these movements, here's an intro:

https://carlbeckpapers.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/cbp/article/download/204/213 -- Ukraine. Read pages 9 to the top of page 14 then read this especially the introduction and the 1st chapter, if short on time.

https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9780801437625/nietzsche-and-zion/#bookTabs=1 -- Zionism.

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Thanks. Will look at. The classic baby boomer liberal interpretation had Nietzsche as a precursor for "Naziism" and Hitler. There are almost mirror elements between the "Nazis" and Zionism (literally manifested in cooperation in the 30s). But from minimal readings of Nietzsche I see where the "anti-Semitism" tag (meaning anti Jews) is bogus. If anything, he glorifies Jews above the norm (in ways similar to his intense love of Greek pagan culture) and his "anti-Christianity" seems much closer to the reality.

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I live in new mexico, u.s.a. and finally I want Trump and putting to work together and I wsnt to see not another bullet given to Ukraine zelynski and boris are the pos that kept the Ukrainian men dying

Z wants no peace only for him to stay in power and he's scum of the earth there's a special place in he'll for z man and now I say u.s.a and Russia 🇷🇺 I welcome this fianlly!!! And no more Joe child sniffing pedophile self I hate Biden and thank God Harris is gone too !!! Let's go trump!!!! Let's go Russia and let's go putin!!!!

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I really don't like to make predictions, Especially about the future. But I suspect that if Z is allowed to stall for what he can't have, Putin will not stop until the Dnipro river is the battle line. Then Putin and Trump will Partition the county.

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Can Russia trust to what west and ukr tweet? Apologies mmm

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Seriously, the regions that want to be considered as Russia, let them be that.

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Looking at Zelensky’s body language during that Oval Office meeting (yes, I watched the whole 50 minute meeting) he reminded me more and more of a defiant, sulky teenager - contemptuous sneers, avoiding eye contact, and then during his tantrum folding his arms across his chest, chin thrust in the air and more noticeable sneering. The man is a liability to Ukraine. He was just a useful idiot for the last 3 years and if he had 2 functioning brain cells to rub together he should have worked that out by now. Now is not the time to make demands, but to swallow his pride and accept that his war is well and truly lost.

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Watch the big congress session in Washington where Trump said something about new developments on Ukraine.

It seems that Zelensky is preparing for peace talks.

All military aid for Ukraine is halted.

The Democrats didn't look very happy. :))

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Like the format. Zelensky is behaving like he is getting his orders from whomever is really in charge and he is not a legitimate leader of Ukraine anyway. Zelensky knows full well he would get destroyed in another election which would be an out for him and would save his life. Clearly, he is not allowed to have another election by those pulling his strings.

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Suggesting things like a "truce in the sky" and a truce on use of naval force is a true joke, since Ukraine essentially has no such things. He might as well throw in a "truce on the use of nuclear weapons."

Also, little noted, meeting with a roomful of senators who were virtually all from Trump's opposition right before going to the White House probably wasn't too savvy either.

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