I've watched your videos for years, Patrick, and always admired your courage in going to some pretty dangerous spots. But please be careful. Kursk is no party.

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Whhat do you think is next for Kursk

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expulsion of Kiev regime forces and moving the line of contact into Sumy region..

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What do you think is next... For Sumy, maybe 😂

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The Irony of this Ukrainian collapse being that Zelensky made it possible.

If Zelensky had not cut off the gas supply to Europe, there would still have been gas in the pipelines the Russians used to infiltrate the Kursk region behind Ukrainian lines, and the Russians would not have been able to use the pipelines.

So well done Zelensky, you are fully responsible for the demise of yoir own army in Kursk.

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Are you asking me what I think will happen in Kursk? In the 1960's I would be Affectionately be called an "armchair general" if I answered that question.

When fathers would talk of how WW2 should have been fought.

So what I think will happen is that because of troop totals Russia can't be understaffed because they are escorting surrendered Ukrainians North. As horrible as it sounds Russia will not take prisoners. At least not too many to manage.

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Hasn't Russia being making "massive gains" since the beginning?

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Take care mate.

Thank you for what you do, but don't push it now.

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Are the Ukraine forces using Russian civilians as human shields?

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Eyes open for those stealthy NKor nco's in battle training. 8^)

Cherish is the new love, be well. May God nod to ward thee & thine!

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Ironically this may advance the cause of peace. If Zelensky loses the Kursk lever, that may bring forward peace talks, because Russia was never going to engage in getting Kursk back by trading anything for it.

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Kursk was never a "lever" or a "bargaining chip" for any peace talks.

Also the green goblin never had any decision power over the Kursk incursion or any other Ukrainian military initiative.

Western media and even supposedly "neutral" bloggers have always portrayed the Kursk incursion as the green goblin waking up one morning and having the bright idea of attacking a relatively empty region of Russia defended by a few dozen border guards.

The truth is the Kursk incursion was planned months in advance by US/CIA/NATO command and remotely micromanaged from day 1 (6th August 2024) by a special command center setup in Germany.

It was conceived as a "demonstration" of what the best US/NATO-trained Ukrainian troops, using US/NATO weaponry and "maneuver warfare" tactics could achieve against what they assumed was a relatively weakly defended region of Russia.

The fact that the Kursk incursion has turned into a debacle for the Ukrainians will neither advance or slow down peace talks, peace will come when all the objectives of the SMO are achieved.

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GOOOO RUSSIA much respect from Canada Patrick

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Outta f*cks to give.

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I thought it as a third or fourth ti*e but *y daughter is *s *e*ory. told e that were quite a few *ore

Iñtelligeñt fasciñatiñg as the adbañces iñ ar*a*eñts añd aleatioñs

As ebery ti*e please dear Patrick take care

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