Let's hope that this war ends soon. I think President Trump is very serious about peace and about ending U.S. support for Ukraine. He has considerable opposition in Congress, but it looks as though the majority of American people is with him.
Your coverage and analysis of the situation is world class. I salute everything you have done back from the early days when Donetsk was being shelled up till now. I do sincerely hope you can relax soon and you will get the recognition you deserve especially from the Russian Government.Bravo
I love your reporting Patrick! You are a terrific presenter, using the best language skills and video skills. Thanks for being so brave out there in the firing line!
I’d like to know how Russia is providing food and water out on the front lines
Thank you for this update. I've been wondering what progress has been made in capturing all the land within the borders of the four Russian regions in Ukraine. Yes, now we will see, thanks to you, what changes occur on the battlefield due to USA aid being stopped, if it is. Truly appreciate your work, Patrick. please ask Russian soldiers who they are fighting now--more from EU than Ukraine?
Any chance you could document the new offensive in the Sumy region near Kursk? LiveUAmap still doesnt recognize Russia is about to cut off the supply route into Kursk.
Thanks as usual, Patrick. I love the reports when you talk to the Russian soldiers. They do a great job in showing the human face and ingenuity of the front line. I appreciate how much background work you have to do to make arrangements with the military to bring us these reports. Perhaps explain what your typical day involves when you are preparing things.
I think you're doing a huge effort in taking risks that you really, really stop to take now. That last drone episode should be your wake up call.
This one video above when you're speaking in the first person is a great direction. I am not saying stop the reporting altogether, but frontlines has to be a minimal part of it - although showing the war crimes is very important.
But I'd love to see more "asking people in the street" like you were doing back in the referendum days. In general asking civilians is much more interesting. I still remember that nurse in that bunker in Mariupol to this day.
I also think more entourage can help. Some of the best reporting on the frontline, beside yours, come for me from a French team led by Regis le Sommier. AFAIK the only team that was embedded both sides of the front line. The thing is that it's a two people team, each with their channel, backed by their paper magasine, very close to some preeminent French alt news channels. Consider this - while limited to French speaking audience, they manage to get the number they need AFAICT. You feel quite isolated. Even though you show up on occasion on the Duran, you probably could use way more of this. History Legends, but also a heap of US podcast spring to mind. You're probably not the most skilled talker but you have a genuine quality that is very appreciable and BTW shines in the above video.
You doing those videos is at the very least good training in that specific game of talking in the mic. You also may consider putting a bit more of your own thoughts / emotion in there. While I value a lot your effort toward neutrality, ultimately people want to get you. The Duran make great analysis, yes, but you can also feel the person. So far you've tended to erase yourself from the picture, be an eye on a pole reporting from the ground. I am not saying becoming full time opinion columnist but even telling a bit about your own story, how you ended up there, your scares, your hopes and dreams...
This 86 year old working class Socialist Scouser admires your courage, supports most of what Trump is doing except Israel, sadly I only have contempt for the dishonest scum in Westminster & Fleet Street, see Banksy`s chimpanzees in Westminster who almost certainly have more intelligence than their human brethren!
Thank you for the information you provide, absolutely essential viewing as we dont get to hear much from those areas. I personally would be interested in more interviews with people in cities which are behind the front Lines now (the ones under Russian control) and ask How the civilians are experiencing these last 3 years , Compared to a few years prior to 2022. Once again , you are doing a fantastic job ,really thank you .
The EU countries are looking to pickup supplies for their interests in Ukraine! there is institutial animosity in and from EU for Russia ! having spent time in us army in West Germany 1984,85 hight of the Cold war still playing for peace 🕊️
I have followed the situation in Europe and Ukraine since before 2013 my understanding is clear thank you Patrick for your reporting since the beginning stay safe also goes to your family and crew prayers for peace 🕊️
You and your team must be so tired Patrick, reporting in Eukraine, since 2014.
Hopefully, peace is on the horizon. You all need a well earned rest.
I can't wait, until you interview, the none Bandera worshipping Eukrainians, when they are no longer afraid to speak out, or criticise their leaders, or they get ten years in jail, if they're not killed.
The stories they will tell, will shock the world. Their recounts of the cruel and evil Gnatz eez, and the things that were done to ethnic Russians and Roma people, while the U.N turned a blind eye, should be investigated and charges brought against the orchestrator's. And that isn't Russia.
Thank you for your hard work Patrick and take care of yourselves.
What do you think is next?
Whatever you do, please stay safe. You are already a hero of war journalism, no need to risk your life for a few more clicks.
Let's hope that this war ends soon. I think President Trump is very serious about peace and about ending U.S. support for Ukraine. He has considerable opposition in Congress, but it looks as though the majority of American people is with him.
Thank you, Patrick.
Dear Patrick
Your coverage and analysis of the situation is world class. I salute everything you have done back from the early days when Donetsk was being shelled up till now. I do sincerely hope you can relax soon and you will get the recognition you deserve especially from the Russian Government.Bravo
Thanks so much
I love your reporting Patrick! You are a terrific presenter, using the best language skills and video skills. Thanks for being so brave out there in the firing line!
I’d like to know how Russia is providing food and water out on the front lines
Thank you for this update. I've been wondering what progress has been made in capturing all the land within the borders of the four Russian regions in Ukraine. Yes, now we will see, thanks to you, what changes occur on the battlefield due to USA aid being stopped, if it is. Truly appreciate your work, Patrick. please ask Russian soldiers who they are fighting now--more from EU than Ukraine?
Thank you for bringing light to the truth
Thanks for your great work Patrick!
We've shared the link on our daily report.
A Skeptic War Reports
Any chance you could document the new offensive in the Sumy region near Kursk? LiveUAmap still doesnt recognize Russia is about to cut off the supply route into Kursk.
I am working on it. Alot of pre work to get to a new area to report
Thanks as usual, Patrick. I love the reports when you talk to the Russian soldiers. They do a great job in showing the human face and ingenuity of the front line. I appreciate how much background work you have to do to make arrangements with the military to bring us these reports. Perhaps explain what your typical day involves when you are preparing things.
I think you're doing a huge effort in taking risks that you really, really stop to take now. That last drone episode should be your wake up call.
This one video above when you're speaking in the first person is a great direction. I am not saying stop the reporting altogether, but frontlines has to be a minimal part of it - although showing the war crimes is very important.
But I'd love to see more "asking people in the street" like you were doing back in the referendum days. In general asking civilians is much more interesting. I still remember that nurse in that bunker in Mariupol to this day.
I also think more entourage can help. Some of the best reporting on the frontline, beside yours, come for me from a French team led by Regis le Sommier. AFAIK the only team that was embedded both sides of the front line. The thing is that it's a two people team, each with their channel, backed by their paper magasine, very close to some preeminent French alt news channels. Consider this - while limited to French speaking audience, they manage to get the number they need AFAICT. You feel quite isolated. Even though you show up on occasion on the Duran, you probably could use way more of this. History Legends, but also a heap of US podcast spring to mind. You're probably not the most skilled talker but you have a genuine quality that is very appreciable and BTW shines in the above video.
You doing those videos is at the very least good training in that specific game of talking in the mic. You also may consider putting a bit more of your own thoughts / emotion in there. While I value a lot your effort toward neutrality, ultimately people want to get you. The Duran make great analysis, yes, but you can also feel the person. So far you've tended to erase yourself from the picture, be an eye on a pole reporting from the ground. I am not saying becoming full time opinion columnist but even telling a bit about your own story, how you ended up there, your scares, your hopes and dreams...
This 86 year old working class Socialist Scouser admires your courage, supports most of what Trump is doing except Israel, sadly I only have contempt for the dishonest scum in Westminster & Fleet Street, see Banksy`s chimpanzees in Westminster who almost certainly have more intelligence than their human brethren!
Thank you for the information you provide, absolutely essential viewing as we dont get to hear much from those areas. I personally would be interested in more interviews with people in cities which are behind the front Lines now (the ones under Russian control) and ask How the civilians are experiencing these last 3 years , Compared to a few years prior to 2022. Once again , you are doing a fantastic job ,really thank you .
The EU countries are looking to pickup supplies for their interests in Ukraine! there is institutial animosity in and from EU for Russia ! having spent time in us army in West Germany 1984,85 hight of the Cold war still playing for peace 🕊️
I have followed the situation in Europe and Ukraine since before 2013 my understanding is clear thank you Patrick for your reporting since the beginning stay safe also goes to your family and crew prayers for peace 🕊️
You and your team must be so tired Patrick, reporting in Eukraine, since 2014.
Hopefully, peace is on the horizon. You all need a well earned rest.
I can't wait, until you interview, the none Bandera worshipping Eukrainians, when they are no longer afraid to speak out, or criticise their leaders, or they get ten years in jail, if they're not killed.
The stories they will tell, will shock the world. Their recounts of the cruel and evil Gnatz eez, and the things that were done to ethnic Russians and Roma people, while the U.N turned a blind eye, should be investigated and charges brought against the orchestrator's. And that isn't Russia.
Thank you for your hard work Patrick and take care of yourselves.
My sincere thoughts with peace will soon come.
Stay safe, our Heroes.