What do you think Putin will do?

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I can't see Russia agreeing to a 30 day ceasefire when in the same sentence the US announced they are recommencing military aid to Ukraine. How in any way would this benefit Russia's strategic interests, security or goals of the SMO?

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Exactly. Well said.

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I have same thoughts

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Putin will wait for a serious negotiating team. The US/EU/Ukraine 'agreement' is the same old tired, worn-out offering. Trump appears to have sold out to the globalists. In the interim Russia will accelerate their momentum - likely on multiple fronts. They will have factored in deception to their strategy.

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No Russian agreement to this ceasefire. It is such an obvious ploy to undermine the Russian position and bolster that of the Kiev regime.

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Yes so traitorus USA must continue to stay out of ukraine. No war

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Putin doesn't need to do anything regarding this "ceasefire agreement". It's just the Trump administration making noises as the US loses the proxy war against Russia and Ukraine continues on its downward spiral into nothingness.

Everybody knows that the "Ukraine Project" has failed, and the one most acutely aware of this is President Trump himself. At this stage Trump just wants to save face and dump the "Ukraine Project" on the europeans.

The Trump administration has different priorities i.e. Iran and China.

As for Russia, the SMO will continue until all its objectives have been achieved.

The anhihilation of the Ukrainian soldiers and NATO-trained mercenaries in the Kursk salient is a major victory for the Russian Armed Forces and will boost morale and accelerate the Russian advances all along the frontlines.

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Uk et al will feed material to iran for nuclear weapon and then hell will prevail. Remember THE WHO ukraine canada italy france germany england will have centuries of karma

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Since you asked. I offer:

Pres Putin and the Russian nation will continue the SMO until the Kremlin's goals have been achieved. And NOT on second before. Despite what the West spews.

The Russians know "The Long Game" and that the West is incapable of honouring a deal/agreement/treaty.

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Why cease fire and then start pushing weapons to third reich? Putin will continue with fight of course

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I find it hard to imagine that Putin/the Russians will ever take anything at face value, nor trust anything the US-NATO-Ukraine coalition says. Why would Putin allow the Ukraine military thirty days to recoup, re-arm & re-organise? They (the Russians) have been burned more than once before by giving US-NATO the benefit of the doubt only to find out the true nature of the duplicity, with former Heads of State - whom were involved in the ‘Minsk 1 & 2’ talks - admitting that the negotiations were nothing more than a ‘smoke screen’, buying more time for Ukraine to ready themselves for a war. Then the Istanbul agreement was cast aside by Zelensky on orders from Washington via the moron Boris Johnson (whom it has to be said is *still* sabre rattling with little or no regard for the lives lost due to those events).

If i were the Russians i would wait and continue gaining more territory until the US-NATO (& Ukraine) alliance has little or no choice and leverage, making any potential re-run of prior, incencere, negotiations impossible.

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It doesnt make sense for russia to agree he has 100 million + people to protect

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So, we get Minsk 3.0. And likely the same outcome. Frankly, Russia would be mad to agree to this as there has never been a war where the losing side gets to dictate the terms, or some sort of armistice to re-arm in prep for the next round of conflict.

That said, Putin is in a difficult position, and needs to also take into account China's and India's opinions here as key members of BRICS. He needs them onside.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/slavlandchronicles/p/a-ceasefire-and-then-more-treachery?r=1onok6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false "A Ceasefire and Then More Treachery" Rurik Skywalker Mar 12


Let me answer your question with a question, friend.

If this is a genuine ceasefire proposed out of a desire for peace, why are weapons flows resuming into Ukraine? If you wanted to enforce the peace, and stop Kiev from invading into Russia, bombing into Russia and escalating the war by other means, why would you continue giving them weapons after getting them to agree to a 30-day ceasefire?

Do you have an answer?

Maybe you don’t, but I do, only you won’t like it.

My explanation is that this is a tactical pause to prepare the UAF for more fighting, arm them up with new NATO weapons, and to replace Zelensky.


He is very much a pessimist regarding his homeland that he's been exiled from. All the time.

However, he knows bunches of inside people & is more often correct regarding prognostications & when off, not very much. "Nothing changes." That's his take.

I happen to agree with just that above quote.

Cherish is the new love, be well! May God nod to ward thee & thine! (Since I was listening after reading while typing, imma go up & read the translation now.)

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The ceasefire is going to last shorter than ink on paper to dry. Remember the same peacekeeping mission in former Yugoslavia? Remember Lord Oven or Lord Karington and other British crooks?

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Perfidious Albion!

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King charles and sharmarer and muzzies are involved now

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It makes me sick and angry to hear that President Trump thinks it's a grand idea to resume arms shipments and intelligence sharing with Ukraine, a criminal state, the progeny of globalists.

Thirty days is a long time for the US deep state, UK and the Euro-trash (referring to leadership) to plan a new offensive, choose targets, get their pet terrorists shipped in from around the world to replace reluctant and dead Ukrainian fighters.

Shameful proposal, given the long record of Western and Ukrainian deception. Following on a Uke drone attack against civilians...they always target civilians.

What are the US negotiators thinking, if not treachery, perhaps a false flag?

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Now Russia tells them to take a long walk on a short plank!

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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, I'm an idiot. More to the point, Russia needs more time to take Odessa and establish the land bridge to Transnistria. Odessa in NATO hands is a recipe for endless gun-running, military incursions and threats to Russian shipping. The objectives of the SMO must be accomplished or Russia has no realistic future.

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If the Russian team has any brains they shall insist on total embargo of weapons and military intelligence support to Ukraine before even open their mouths or any terms conditions. Art of a deal is simple, just ask what is the best for you and package it as a favor.

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Thank You Patrick.

As for this "cease-fire" talk, its now gotten to the point where its just psycho-babble by the braindead West. The Russians stated THEIR CONDITIONS for talks, but the vile warmongering west ignores, and just spews idiocy while continuing the war against Russia.

I am SO F N TIRED of the absolute braindead idiocy constantly puked up by the bloodlusting West.

NO ONE cares if the Ukienazis "accept a cease-fire". The Kiev psychos, as we ALL know, run NOTHING in Ukienaziland.

This war/SMO will END when the Russians state its over

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Because of the violation with the Minsk agreement and the absolute fact that there are Nazis in Ukraine committing crimes against humanity with the atrocities against civilians, the child sex trafficking, human trafficking, the hosting of bio-labs and the corrupt governments abuses of it's citizens Ukraine needs to agree to Russia's conditions.

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If Trump really wants to end the war, why is US still supplying the Ukrainian forces?

Is that an American style playing war game?

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“So my friends and I decided that we would make a deal with the owner of the local fine dining establishment. Although the proprietor was not present at the negotiations, we decided that we would be getting 3 meals a week for free with as much booze as we want! I thought it was a helluva deal, and we didnt even need the owner there to seal it!!”

So yeah no. Smile & Nod, then keep pounding them back to the border. The thing is, it has now become a case of needing to drill this memory into the generations. See? See what happens when the drink from the poison fountain and go insane? You get wiped out. If you do it again, you will get more wiped out.

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He will have no choice

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IMHO The only way Russia should accept this cease fire is if there is a complete cessation of any weaponry or troops coming across the border of Ukraine, or build up on bordering countries, and dropping of economic sanctions, while it lasts, for as long as long lasting peace negotiations last.

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No weapons in ukraine

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